About It




I am Bonnie Rue. A professional chef, licensed health coach, recovery advocate, artist, writer & happily retired party girl.

I am here to share what I have learned about the connection between nutrition & recovery in hopes of making the path a little bit brighter. Savoring sobriety is an open resource for anyone on this journey.

Savoring Sobriety is as much about nutrition in recovery as it is about connecting with everything that nourishes you in this life. Relationships, joy, nature, culture, body, spirit, home - all of it. While savoring is a term we often hear around food I actually chose the word for its broader psychological meaning. Which is defined as... 

“appreciating, attending to & enhancing the positive experiences that occur in one’s life. It all starts with being able to connect with the present moment.”

THIS is what sobriety is all about! When I first got sober I felt like it was the end of too much but I quickly learned that it was my biggest beginning yet. Sobriety Is what allows us to show up fully in the present moment over & over again. As we learned in addiction - what we choose to put in our bodies can hinder our ability to be here now; where all the nourishment of life exist.

Recovery, just like addiction, is a many layered thing. My goal is to help people heal on a biological level so they have a solid foundation to work from as they embark on healing the psychological, social & spiritual aspects of their lives. These are of course - all intertwined. This approach aims to bring things into balance on the inside so that it will be reflected & experienced in the world around us. .

A little bit about my own recovery journey ...

After years in the restaurant industry, catering on film sets & being a private chef - I was burnt out, epically hungover & my life was truly unmanageable if not completely miserable. My body felt like crap. I was tired all the time. My anxiety was running the show. My relationships were painful, chaotic & lacked true connection. I had finally had enough. I could no longer go on abandoning myself. I got sober & found a job as a chef at an addiction treatment center here in Austin, Tx. This turned out to be the most meaningful & fulfilling job I had ever had. It changed the trajectory of my life. Being at the treatment center day after day allowed me to see people come out of the fog of addiction & back into themselves. It was truly powerful & a total privilege to witness. I was also witness to what everyone ate throughout the day & saw how it effected them in their recovery. For better or worse.

There was a direct & obvious correlation between a persons food choices & their mood. It effected their openness to change, ability to connect, to feel calm, patient & present. Not only with others but themselves too. I realized that nutrition was equally important (if not a precursor) to all the other ways the treatment center was showing their clients to care for & connect with themselves. They offered exercise, meditation, therapy, art, music & a lot of these new practices truly resonated with the clients but I had to wonder.. how many of them would stick with these new practices outside of treatment? It was hard to say.

The one thing I knew for sure was that each & every one of them would continue eating once they were away from our care. I also saw that how a person does one thing is how they will do everything. I began to view food as a daily opportunity to not only heal our addicted bodies but a way to learn how to creat new habits, build confidence & regain one’s own trust.

One bite at a time.

This inspired me to enroll at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I wanted to learn more about healing foods, intuitive eating & our body/mind connection. I wanted a better understanding of what our bodies need in recovery, which is such a heavy time of transformation. The experience turned out to be revolutionary. 

During my training, I studied multiple dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques & positive psychological motivation with some of the world’s top health & wellness experts. This is where the seed for Savoring Sobriety was first planted. It continues to grow every day through my own recovery.

xo - Bonnie Rue